Did you Know? (Sunday, June 16, 2019)
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost when we honour the Holy Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the word “trinity” does not appear in Scripture, […]
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost when we honour the Holy Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the word “trinity” does not appear in Scripture, […]
Fifty days after Easter the Church celebrates Pentecost and the giving of the Holy Spirit. This day, often called “the birthday of the Christian Church,” initiated a period of intense […]
The Ascension of Jesus is the departure of Christ from Earth into the presence of God. The biblical narrative (Acts 1:9-11) takes place 40 days after the resurrection. Here Jesus […]
Eastertide (also called Paschaltide) is the festal season in the liturgical year that focuses on celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter Lily is a symbol of the resurrection and floral arrangements […]
Easter is the most important Christian festival of the year, which is a movable event determined by the first Paschal (Full) Moon after March 21, in which the length of […]
It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian faith are penitent for their sins and are ready to affirm […]
The Apostles Creed is used instead of the Nicene Creed on Sundays, from Easter to Pentecost, ‘the great octave’. During these fifty days of Easter we focus on the appearances […]
Grace is God’s favour towards us, which is unearned and undeserved; by grace, God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts and strengthens our wills. (The Book of […]
The Cross is the most powerful and recognizable symbol of Christianity, especially during the Easter season for it was used during Jesus’ crucifixion. It is a symbol of Christ’s victory […]
Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that marks the beginning of Holy week. It commemorates Jesus’ triumphal procession into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all four canonical Gospels. It […]