Did you know? (Sunday, November 8, 2020)
It was customary for virgins to be a part of marriage banquets. Since the wedding procession was usually at night, many would carry torches or lamps. However, no one would […]
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
It was customary for virgins to be a part of marriage banquets. Since the wedding procession was usually at night, many would carry torches or lamps. However, no one would […]
All Saints’ Day had its origins in the fourth century, when churches in the East began to celebrate “the Feast of the Martyrs of the whole world” on the Sunday […]
The Harvest service provides an opportunity for worshippers to thank God for all the things God has provided for them and others in the world. Since the middle of the […]
A Profession refers to the career that one opts for or chooses. It may involve training and the acquisition of special skills before one can become eligible for a specific […]
In the biblical understanding of what it means “to know the Lord” there is a “knowing about,” there is an “entering into trusting relationship with,” but there must also be […]
The command and promise of Jesus, on which the Christian healing ministry is founded, are not found in an isolated corner of Scripture. I now see the Bible as primarily […]
God’s purpose is that all his people shall both receive the new covenant blessings of the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Spirit, and receive water-baptism as the […]
Taking up one’s cross is an analogy which means that “…Christ calls upon believers to be ready to sacrifice their selfish interests and to daily bear reproach, misunderstanding and shame […]
The Eucharistic Prayer recalls that Jesus was at a meal with his disciples when he blessed the bread and the wine, but more than that it recalls the central act […]
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost when we honour the Holy Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the word “trinity” does not appear in Scripture, […]