Did You Know? (Sunday, March 28, 2021)
The sixth Sunday of Lent is known as ‘The Palm Sunday’ and falls on the Sunday preceding Easter Sunday. The other name for this day in the Christian calendar is […]
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
The sixth Sunday of Lent is known as ‘The Palm Sunday’ and falls on the Sunday preceding Easter Sunday. The other name for this day in the Christian calendar is […]
“Baptism is the celebration of a person’s passing from outside the church to inside the church, from not belonging to Christ to becoming a member of his Body, from being […]
“Records from the third century tell us that candidates wishing to enter the community were brought to the community teacher and presented for acceptance into the church. The sponsors had […]
“Baptism after all, has been known from the earliest times as the “sacrament of faith.” The role of faith in baptism is crucial. A sacrament is a celebration in which […]
“A simple confession of faith in Christ [was] no longer sufficed for admission to baptism. Those who had initially heard the news about Jesus were Jews who were living according […]
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the season of Lent – a period/time which the Christian Church uses for prayer, fasting, and spiritual preparation for Easter, in which we […]
It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian faith, are penitent for their sins and are ready to affirm […]
The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and His Church; to bear witness to Him wherever they may be; and according to the gifts given them, to carry […]
What is grace? “Grace is God’s favour towards us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills.” BCP page […]
Taking up one’s cross is an analogy which means that “… Christ calls upon believers to be ready to sacrifice their selfish interests and to daily bear reproach, misunderstanding and […]