Quote for Reflection (Sunday, December 1, 2019)
The season of Advent encourages us to practice setting aside ‘quiet times’ for reading, reflection and prayer. It is by practicing these disciplines that we grow in the knowledge and […]
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
The season of Advent encourages us to practice setting aside ‘quiet times’ for reading, reflection and prayer. It is by practicing these disciplines that we grow in the knowledge and […]
How are you involved within the Church for the growth of the Kingdom of God?
The Messiah was expected to come from David’s line. The fulfillment of this prophecy is stated in the genealogy given in Matthew 1:1-16, in which Jesus is a part of […]
There is an old saying that in each heart there is a crown and a cross. If my old selfish nature with all its sinful tendencies is calling the shots, […]
In what ways do our lives reflect that Christ is in control as king?
There is a difference between a Tabernacle and an Aumbry. Though both are used for the exclusive reservation of the consecrated elements (the Body and Blood of Christ), the Tabernacle […]
Jesus wants to be and must be our highest priority if we are going to be prepared for His coming or even make it to the end. That means not […]
How prepared are you to meet Jesus, as Lord, when He returns to harvest the souls of the earth for His kingdom?
Jesus had many run-ins with Pharisees, especially about the hypocrisy of some. Because of this, “pharisaical” has come to mean hypocritical or sanctimonious. However, the original impulse of the Pharisees […]
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody…is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. Let us always meet each other […]