Quote for Reflection (Sunday, July 10, 2022)
Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. Saint Augustine of Hippo
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. Saint Augustine of Hippo
How do you identify areas of need in your Church Community or your neighbourhood? What portion of my Time, Talent and Income do I give to support the Ministry of […]
There is a difference between tithing and pledging, A tithe is specifically a pledge of 10 percent of one’s income to support God’s work in the world. Ten percent may […]
“Out of God’s great love, we have been given all that we have. In response to this love, we are called to be stewards of God’s gifts. This includes not […]
As a disciple of Jesus, in what ways are you practising Christian stewardship of your time, abilities and financial resources? What percentage of my income do I give for Mission […]
That the mission of the Church is to bring all people into unity with God and each other in Christ.
“The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the gospel, and promotes justice, peace and love and by its own transformation into the likeness of Christ proclaims […]
To what ministry of the church is God calling for my commitment? In what ways am I carrying out the great commission in my home, community and workplace?
The noun “mission” is a mid-16th century English word that is derived from the Latin word “missio.” The word was originally used to describe one of the main themes of […]
“Mission arises from the heart of God himself and is communicated from His heart to ours. Mission is the global outreach of the global people of a global God.” John […]