News (All Posts)
“Thank You” from the Mothers’ Union
The Mothers’ Union thanks those who supported their Pre-Valentine Fish Fry to make it a success.
Did you know? (Sunday, February 18, 2024)
Although the English arrived in Jamaica in 1655, it took them five years to completely defeat the Spaniards, from whom they took the island. In 1660, the English established civil […]
Quote for Reflection (Sunday, February 18, 2024)
“A Calendar of [celebratory] events and activities is being developed to cover the one-year period which will end in February, 2025…The year ahead is not just about the hype and […]
Question for Reflection (Sunday, February 18, 2024)
What will I do this week to better acquaint myself with the history of our Diocese? What celebratory events and activities will I commit myself to participate in?
Did you know? (Sunday, February 11, 2024)
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a solemn period of repentance, fasting, and reflection for Christians leading up to Easter. The origins of Ash Wednesday can be traced back […]
Quote for Reflection (Sunday, February 11, 2024)
“Ash Wednesday is full of joy… The source of all sorrow is the illusion that of ourselves we are anything but dust.” ~ Thomas Merton