Quote for Reflection (Sunday, March 2, 2025)
“The kingdom of God is already here, but not yet in its fullness. We must not underestimate how the present the kingdom of God is, but we must also not underestimate how unrealized it is, how must it exists only in the future, Because the kingdom is present partially but not fully, we must expect substantial healing but not total healing in all areas of life.
The implications of this are significant. If we overstress the “already” of the kingdom to the exclusion of the “not yet,” we will expect quick solutions to problems and we will be dismayed by suffering and tragedy. But we can likewise overstress the “not yet” of the kingdom to the exclusion of the “already.” We can be too pessimistic about personal change. We can withdraw from engaging the world, too afraid of being “polluted” by it.
Hope in Times of Fear by Timothy Keller