Let us know about members who are ill.
Kindly inform the Church Office when you become aware of members who are ill at home, in hospital, or absent from Church for a while.
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
Kindly inform the Church Office when you become aware of members who are ill at home, in hospital, or absent from Church for a while.
There will be NO mid-week Mass on Wednesday, August 31, but we will have Mass on Friday, September 2nd.
There will no Sunday School in August.
During August, there will be mid-week services on Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m.
The Jamaica Council Churches will be observing JCC week, August 7-14, 2022. The theme is “Pursuing God’s Peace, Affirming Human Dignity”. A service will be held on Monday, August 8th […]
Deanery Council Meeting – July 28, 2022, at the Church of the Ascension at 12:30 p.m.
Diocesan Music Camp will be held from July 11-22 at Christ Church. Cost $11,000. For additional information contact Ms. Rhena Williams at Church House.
Diocesan Summer Camp – Theme ‘Every Blooming Thing is a Gift from God’. Intermediates July 22-29. Deadline is June 30. For additional information please call Church House, Education and Youth […]
Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priest Bertram Gayle, Monnecia Duncan, Courtney Carridice, and Kamar Prendergast, and to the Holy Order of Deacon Robert Green, Javanie Byfield, Kerry Parchment-Carr, and […]
No Monday Bible Study at 5:30 p.m, in person or online on May 30, 2022.