Question for Reflection (Sunday, March 13, 2022)
From what can I fast this Lent? Identify what you will give up during Lent and the spiritual discipline to replace it.
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
From what can I fast this Lent? Identify what you will give up during Lent and the spiritual discipline to replace it.
“I believe that it is impossible to grasp all the different forms of prayer without great purity of heart and soul. There are as many forms of prayer as there […]
How can I commit more time to daily prayer in Lent?
“The Season of Lent is like a roller coaster ride with emotions that are down and up again and again as the story of our salvation makes plain our sinful […]
What discipline can you take on this Lent to enter fully into the Lenten experience? In what ways can I show I am sorry for my sins?
“Calypso is much more than a song. It is expressive of a culture or a way of life. This culture is also captured in reggae…Calypso [and reggae] performs a political […]
How can we share the good news of Christ using musical forms that resonate with our people?
“Community is one of the great antidotes to insecurity because it speaks to us of the assurance that ‘we are all in it together’. It is achieved with a sense […]
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“The eucharist…manifests the true being of the church as the Body of Christ and of the christian as the member of Christ, because it manifests the being of Christ as […]