Question for Reflection (Sunday, November 20, 2022)
What can I learn from the Scriptures this week about the creation? Read Genesis 2::4-9, 15-25 and identify where man received “The breath of Life”
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
What can I learn from the Scriptures this week about the creation? Read Genesis 2::4-9, 15-25 and identify where man received “The breath of Life”
“The Psalmist (19: 1-4) acknowledges that hearing the voice of creation requires a kind of listening that is increasingly rare…Some of the earliest Christian writings refer to the concept of […]
What can I do this week to pay keener attention to what the creation is saying to me?
Quote for Reflection (Sunday, November 6, 2022) “Humanity needs a spiritual and cultural transformation. We must see the world differently: repenting of and rejecting an extractive world view, which regards […]
In what way(s) is God calling me to act differently in how I treat the environment?
“Your mission gives your life meaning. William James said, ‘The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.’ The truth is, only the kingdom of […]
In what way(s) is God calling me to “give back something” this week?
“Ministry and spirituality can never be separated. Ministry is not an eight-to-five job but primarily a way of life, which is for others to see and understand so that liberation […]
How can I encourage someone this week to consider serving God in the ordained ministry?
“To find one’s vocation demands that one really wants to do so. It sounds simple. And it is. But, to quote the Lord once more, “Few there be who find […]