Quote for Reflection (Sunday, June 23, 2019)
The vocation of a Christian is not to be confused with having a job. The Christian calling or vocation is the ministry of liberative reconciliation, the call to invite all […]
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
The vocation of a Christian is not to be confused with having a job. The Christian calling or vocation is the ministry of liberative reconciliation, the call to invite all […]
Since we continually offer to God ourselves, our lives and our work during our weekly Eucharistic prayers, in what practical ways can you contribute to the life and mission of […]
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost when we honour the Holy Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the word “trinity” does not appear in Scripture, […]
“All the acts of the triune God in the world are indivisible.” Hence the Father does not act alone in the work of creation, or the Son alone in the […]
Have you been encouraging unity/oneness among your neighbours at home, in the workplace, or even in the Church?
Fifty days after Easter the Church celebrates Pentecost and the giving of the Holy Spirit. This day, often called “the birthday of the Christian Church,” initiated a period of intense […]
“Pentecost offers a chance to confess our failure to live by the Spirit and to ask the Lord to fill us afresh with His power.” (Mark D. Roberts, Dare to […]
In what ways have the Holy Spirit empowered us to serve and witness to others as the baptized?
The Ascension of Jesus is the departure of Christ from Earth into the presence of God. The biblical narrative (Acts 1:9-11) takes place 40 days after the resurrection. Here Jesus […]
“At His Ascension our Lord entered Heaven, and He keeps the door open for humanity to enter.” Oswald Chambers (1935); My Utmost for His Highest