Did you Know? (Sunday, May 19, 2019)
Easter is the most important Christian festival of the year, which is a movable event determined by the first Paschal (Full) Moon after March 21, in which the length of […]
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
Easter is the most important Christian festival of the year, which is a movable event determined by the first Paschal (Full) Moon after March 21, in which the length of […]
The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing […]
What difference does this “Christian Hope” make in the way I live my life?
It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian faith are penitent for their sins and are ready to affirm […]
It is important to have a clear understanding of the place of the Church in the purpose of God. Other wise it is so easy to give up on the […]
Which areas of the ministry of the Church are you participating in to carry out the mission of God?
The Apostles Creed is used instead of the Nicene Creed on Sundays, from Easter to Pentecost, ‘the great octave’. During these fifty days of Easter we focus on the appearances […]
“Today the gift of Christ’s appearance to His disciples and His continued presence with us, inspire us to begin again. They propel us to proceed confidently, with haste and purpose, […]
How will you respond to the redemptive love of God in Jesus Christ?
Grace is God’s favour towards us, which is unearned and undeserved; by grace, God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts and strengthens our wills. (The Book of […]