Question for Reflection (Sunday, June 30, 2024)
How can I share the gospel with someone in ways that respect and honour their humanity?
Anglican Church in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. Established 1664.
How can I share the gospel with someone in ways that respect and honour their humanity?
The Jamaica Church Missionary Society is the recognized missionary agency of the Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands in the Province of the West Indies (the Anglican Church). The […]
“Jesus, I do not believe, was as interested in making members, or recruiting people to sign up, as He was about making disciples. What an exciting possibility – that what […]
How are you being called to engage in the mission of the church? How are you responding to the call?
So how were Christians made? By a process of formation that, as time progressed, was increasingly self-conscious. It was rooted in the habitus of the communities – their reflexive behavior. […]
When we decide to walk a spiritual path, we are embracing a certain way of life, a specific set of values, or a particular worldview. For Christians, we choose to […]
How does the practice of your faith inform your daily life?
Prayer is responding to God, by thought, by feeling and by deeds, with or without words. In prayer we relate to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in the power […]
“O Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world, grant us Thy peace!” That’s a tremendous prayer to take on our lips, for it means peace at […]
In what ways have you experienced the presence of Gods love and peace in your prayer life ?